AI Art

Computer - Draw Me Something!

Every decade, a computer technology takes the world by storm. The microprocessor, the Internet, social networking, and mobile apps have all dramatically changed the ways we live, work, and communicate.

AI and Machine Learning models and techniques have been around for decades. But over the last few years, we have seen AI techniques applied to image generation and text generation, with stunning results.

As someone who lacks the talent and skill to draw, paint, and color, the notion of using computer-assisted technology to paint and create artwork was very compelling to me. I have since played with Dall-E, Night Cafe, and Mid Journey. I have had a blast!

An Ode to Blinky

Mash-ups of my Digital Lego 8-Bit design of the ghost Blinky from Pac-Man.

Gallery: Blinky Art Gallery

An Ode to Everything Else Pac-Man

More mashups of Lego and various things from Pac-Man.

Gallery: Pac-Man Art Gallery

Nittany Lions Logos

These amped-up versions of the Penn State Nittany Lions logo were created using Night Cafe.

Gallery: Nittany Lions Art Gallery


I love combining retro computing, with future technology, and various other genres of art.

Gallery: Coming Soon!


AI art tools, combined with my imagination, makes for some weird stuff!.

Gallery: Coming Soon!


Lots of fun colors and designs.

Gallery: Coming Soon!